Op-Ed / LTE Guidance


Tips for a Successful Op-Ed
An op-ed is a written piece that expresses the opinion of an author typically not affiliated with the publication. Op-eds are a great opportunity to highlight our mission and ideas in a reputable newspaper, magazine or other news outlet. Op-eds may be submitted through a publication’s website or by email. Submission instructions are generally found in the Opinion or Commentary section of the outlet’s website.

Tips for a Successful Letter to the Editor
A letter to the editor (LTE) is a written letter sent to a publication about issues of concern to readers. LTEs are addressed “To the Editor” and usually appear alongside opinion columns and commentaries. Letters may be submitted through a publication’s website or by email. Submission instructions are generally found in the Letters or Opinion section of the outlet’s website.

Download the full Op-Ed / LTE Guidance document below

Op-Ed / LTE Guidance