Speak up for Equality and Equity in Nevada

As champions of health equity, we’re committed to advancing cardiovascular health for all. A person’s race or ethnicity shouldn’t put them at higher risk for developing heart diseases and stroke.

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Unfortunately, it is a factor that affects the likelihood of an individual suffering a heart attack or stroke, as well as the chances of survival if he or she does. We support removing barriers to health and are a relentless force for building longer, healthier lives.

Act Now to Support Health Equity in Nevada

Right now, the Nevada Legislature is considering several bills that would help advance equality and health equity:

SB 222: Creates a state agency to work with minority groups and provide them necessary resources.  It allows for an annual meeting to understand the issues facing minority groups.  This bill helps ensure these groups have proper diversity and inclusion and fosters greater collaboration among state agencies. 

SB 341: Helps foster equitable and equal access to healthcare.  It enables the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for grants to reduce disparities in health care and behavioral health. It forms an oversight team to evaluate the disparities and processes of our state health care system. 

SCR5: Urges the state to take action to address the public health crisis exposed by the current pandemic and caused by systemic racism in Nevada.  The bill ensures all people of Nevada are treated equally under laws, policies, and practices of the state.  It calls for the state to understand, address and dismantle systemic racism and its’ impact.

SB 302: This bill will make diversity and equity training essential in all workplaces.  It will help increase access to work for individuals of color through diversity in hiring.

Contact lawmakers today and urge them to support these bills!

Thank you for being part of the relentless force for building longer, healthier lives in Nevada.

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