If you’re considering quitting smoking for this year’s Great American Smoke-out on November 21, there are a few good reasons to encourage that next step.
Smoking causes 30% of all heart disease and strokes. If you’re a lifelong smoker, your habit will shave 13-14 years off your life.
But there are resources in Vermont to help you quit. The Vermont Quit Network available through Vermont’s Tobacco Control Program provides on-line, phone or in-person counseling, plus you can have FREE nicotine patches, gum or lozenges mailed directly to your home! Call 1-800-Quit-Now or go to www.vtquitnetwork.org.
You can also participate in a study by Dr. John Hughes, a national tobacco expert and UVM researcher and earn money at the same time. The National Institute of Health study on the Effects of Quitting Study may help you or a loved one quit for good! For this study, smokers attend appointments at UVM twice a week over five weeks, for about an hour and a half each time. Although smokers have to quit on their own without medication or counseling, participants are reimbursed for filling out questionnaires and working on simple computer tasks, and can earn incentive payments for not smoking. Reimbursements can be up to $620. To learn more, call 802 656-4849 or email [email protected].
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