Smoke-Free Indoor Workplaces Becomes State Law

Thanks to your continued support the last few years, on May 24th, Governor Walker finally signed our Smoke-Free indoor workplace bill (Senate Bill 63) that will make all indoor workplaces smoke-free. This has been a really long time coming and we are so happy that Alaskans will be protected from unwanted second-hand smoke in the workplace. 


Please see a brief statement from Dr. Bob Urata, Alaska Board of Director member, on the passage of Senate Bill 63:

"We were pleased by the passage of Senate Bill 63 that ensures Alaskan workers will not be harmed by exposure to secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosol. We want to express our sincere gratitude to our coalition partners along with the incredible volunteers who showed amazing tenacity during the five years that were spent advocating for this important public health policy during the legislative process."

"The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is dedicated to improving the health of all Americans and reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease. This work takes many forms including our participation in a coalition of Alaskan businesses, health organizations and individual volunteers advocating for the passage of Senate Bill 63, which protects all Alaskan workers from the dangers of secondhand smoke. Exposure to secondhand smoke is a considerable risk to individual health. The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports "[t]here is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke and even brief exposure can cause immediate harm." The effect of even brief (minutes to hours) "passive smoking" is often nearly as large as chronic active smoking."

In closing, we know that we were able to pass the finish line thanks to the support of advocates like you. Please click here to view our brief video to you! Thank you!

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