Smoke-Free Laws Save Lives


KITV interviewed You're the Cure advocate Ralph Shohet, M.D. last weekend about about new evidence that smoke-free laws lead to significantly fewer hospitalizations and deaths for heart attacks and strokes. If you missed it, watch the recording now.

• Smoke-free policies that apply in workplaces, restaurants and bars have the greatest effect on hospitalizations, reduce health care costs and better quality of life.
• Laws that include exemptions in spaces like bars are not as effective.
• The more comprehensive smoke-free laws save lives and money.

Good news! Hawaii passed comprensive air law in 2006. However, as Dr. Shohet suggests in the news clip, we need to ensure the smoke-free law stays strong. You can help by emailing your legislators today--ask them to protect smoke-free laws in Hawaii. 

The research is published in the current issue of the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

Did you see the interview on TV last weekend? How does smoke-free air effect your life in Hawaii? Leave a comment on this issue below.

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