Take Back Control of the Food You Eat!

Every January, millions of Americans make a new year’s resolution to kick start the new year. Often times they’re centered on being healthier. We here at You’re the Cure think that’s an admirable goal and want to do all we can to help you stay on track. But, this January, instead of just making our own resolutions, we’re asking that food industry giants make a resolution of their own!

Will you sign the pledge to demand healthier options from the global food industry?

Too often, the food industry packs processed and restaurant foods with unhealthy levels of ingredients like sodium and sugar, but you have a chance to let them know that enough is enough by signing the pledge and tell food companies and restaurants that you support healthier options.  Together we can make a difference!

Thank you for all that you do and please be on the lookout for more ways to help encourage heart healthy dining options throughout the year.

sodium pledge
