Everyone agrees that Pre-K education is critical. Unfortunately, the state and schools have not been able to fund it until now. Our local elected officials have an incredible opportunity to invest in Pre-K education and prioritize healthier Santa Fe kids! I’m calling on our You’re the Cure advocates to help amplify our efforts for a healthier and stronger generation!
On March 8th, the Santa Fe Council voted to send a two-cent excise tax on sugary drinks that will establish a dedicated fund for Pre-K education in Santa Fe to the ballot on May 2!
Every year that goes by another 1,000 Santa Fe kids are left unprepared for kindergarten. Do you want to help Santa Fe kids? Here's what you can do to help.
Email your Santa Fe City Councilor and thank them for supporting a two-cent excise tax on sugary drinks to fund Pre-K programs for Santa Fe kids.
It is well documented that sugary drinks are a major source of sugar in the diets of kids and a contributor to diabetes, obesity, and heart disease – the leading cause of death in New Mexico. A sugary drink tax will reduce consumption and lead to improved health for Santa Fe families.
Join the movement to ensure that Santa Fe's youngest citizens receive the best start in life with Pre-K education and healthier families! For more information please contact Poqueen Rivera at [email protected].
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