Share Your Story: Tiffany Alsabrook

Tiffany’s health journey has not only be transformational, it has been inspirational.

hero_image_alt_text===Tiffany's picture
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As someone who has been overweight for many years, Tiffany was spurred into action in 2014 when a doctor refused to do knee surgery because of her weight.

Tiffany began a walking program that helped her lose 50 lbs. before undergoing gastric bypass surgery. After that surgery she continued walking, completing the Indianapolis Mini Marathon in 2016. In addition, she completely changed her eating habits to cut out sodas and to eat more vegetables.

Tiffany has now lost more than 250 lbs. and is an inspiration to countless others by sharing her journey on Facebook and by leading a support group. In October, she plans to complete a 39-mile charity walk in New York City.

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