Share your Story: Mandy Schultz-Briggs

I am a Pediatric Registered Nurse at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, and mother of 4 children.

hero_image_alt_text===Picture of Mandy & Ashur
thumbnail_alt_text===Picture of Mandy & Ashur
bottom_action===Picture of Mandy & Ashur

Ashur, our youngest was found to have abnormalities with his heart at our 20 week anatomy ultrasound.  After several additional appointments, we were given a diagnosis of Transposition of the Great Arteries or TGA.  It was difficult to wrap our minds around this and what would be coming for our family.  We live in Oshkosh and were told we would have to deliver in Milwaukee...which was fine, but the thought of having to leave my family for who knew how long was most difficult.  Ashur was born in just before CHD week in 2012.  He required an immediate septostomy as he crashed at birth and was nearly pulseless and not oxygenating adequately.  He did well after this and was even able to learn to feed while we waited for his Arterial Switch Operation.  At 9 days he had his switch.  The time it took to recover seemed like forever, but with only a few minor setbacks he came home at 1 month old.  Our family has embraced his journey and we now coordinate our local Mended Little Hearts group.  Ashur is now 1 1/2 and one would never know without seeing his scar what he has endured.  We would not be where we are without groups like the AHA.  Thank you!

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