Share Your Story: Jessica N.



I was a ten-month old baby when I went into heart failure due to a rare virus commonly known as Kawasaki’s disease. This autoimmune virus strikes the circulatory system of young children, often under the age of five before they develop mature antibodies. I have two giant aneurisms on my coronary arteries that are now reduced, but I have been living a relatively normal life with daily medication ever since. I was even on a championship volleyball team during high school and still exercise regularly. When I was sick, the Kawasaki’s disease was incredibly rare and it was difficult for doctors to correctly diagnose me. It has still never been seen in the lab and no one knows exactly how it spreads. Today, however, Kawasaki’s disease is the main cause of childhood heart disease in the U.S. and I have met others who have overcome it. Although I can’t remember being sick, my parents do, and I would never wish that hardship on anyone, especially young parents watching their child’s heart fail. Researchers need your help to find a cure for this childhood disease so children and families alike can avoid this dreadful ordeal.

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