Share Your Story: Brad Dixon


Brad Dixon, Idaho

On June 12 You’re the Cure advocate and Boise native Brad Dixon was presented the Outstanding Advocacy Effort Award by the American Heart Association’s Western States Affiliate.

Brad has developed rich relationships with legislators, business leaders and community volunteers across the state of Idaho. He serves as a leader within the AHA, not only as Chair of the State Advocacy Advisory Committee, but also as the newly-elected Chairman of the Board of AHA’s Boise division. Brad has brought policy work center stage for AHA in Idaho.

Brad’s commitment to AHA policy priorities was clear throughout the Smokefree Boise campaign. His leadership led to a celebrated victory eliminating secondhand smoke in all bars, restaurants and public places.

Brad’s legal savvy has played a critical role in drafting legislation, clarifying policy details for legislators and derailing opposition, especially as AHA worked to pass a Good Samaritan law seeking to protect bystanders who intervene in a medical emergency to administer CPR or deploy an AED.

Our hearty thanks to Brad for lending his expertise, time and energy to further lifesaving measures here in Idaho!

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