Session Begins!


The North Carolina General Assembly gavels into order today at noon for the start of the 2013-2014 biennium session. (Technically the session began on January 9th; however that one day meeting was only for the purpose of electing officers and adopting rules.) The start of every new session is exciting, with new legislators and leadership focused on passing laws that make our state a better place.

While the highest ranked positions in the NC House of Representatives and Senate did not change from last year’s session, there is one major shift in North Carolina politics; a new governor. Governor Pat McCroy (former mayor of Charlotte) was elected last November and hopefully will be a strong champion for heart healthy polices. He was a strong supporter of public transportation when he was mayor, so it’s likely that he understands the importance of built environments and physical activity.

It’s vital that your legislators hear from you during this legislative session. As You’re the Cure advocates, you can use your voice to influence public policy and save lives. If you don’t know who your legislator is, make sure you look them up on the General Assembly’s website-

To send a letter to your legislator to introduce yourself, head over to our Action Center.

We’ll continue to blog about what’s happening at the General Assembly this year. Stay tuned for future updates!

Blog content provided by Lee Storrow, You’re the Cure volunteer.

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