RSVP for July YTC Southeast Chat

Normally, the summer is a time when You're the Cure advocates re-energize and prepare to heavily advocate for policy changes once again in the fall. However, as we've noticed, this year is anything but typical. As such, we want to help you enhance your grassroots skills and improve your relationships with elected officials over the next several months.


To kick this off, we have a special guest lined up for our next You're the Cure Southeast chat on July 27, 2020 at 11:30 AM ET / 10:30 AM CT! Dave McGoldrick, AHA Federal Grassroots Manager, will join us to speak about the importance of advocating for federal issues and provide tips to establish relationships with our members of Congress. Save your spot today for this chat. 

Stay tuned for future You're the Cure alerts about additional opportunities to grow as an advocate.

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