Celebrate with us June 27

While we miss hosting our You're the Cure Southeast chat this month, we hope you and your loved ones are having a great summer! We're excited to resume our monthly chats in September. Will you please plan to chat with us on Monday, September 26th at 11:30 a.m. ET / 10:30 a.m. CT? Sign up now!


In September, we anticipate sharing our state and local policy agenda with you! 

The American Heart Association advocates for public policies to help Americans build healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. But, have you ever wondered how the AHA creates its robust advocacy agenda? Find out on the next You're the Cure Southeast Chat on Monday, September 26, 2022 at 11:30 AM ET / 10:30 AM CT. Speak with Laurie P. Whitsel, Ph.D, FAHA, AHA Vice President of Policy Research and Translation

Sign up now!

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