You're Invited! - 2014 Breakfast at the Iowa State Capitol


The 2014 Legislative Session is right around the corner so we wanted to make sure that you get the upcoming "Iowa You're the Cure Breakfast at the Capitol" on your calendar - RSVP now using this link!*

*Don't forget to log-in or sign up for the You're the Cure Community

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Stop by anytime between
7:30am — 9:30am 


Iowa State Capitol
9th & Grand, Des Moines

Use this casual and free "stop-n-go" heart healthy breakfast opportunity to introduce yourself to your lawmakers and get familiar
with our latest efforts under the dome. 
Kids welcome! 

It's the perfect time to let lawmakers know what's on your mind as they go to work for YOU during the 2014 Legislative Session. 

Plan on stopping by? Don't forget to RSVP today - We'd love to see you there!

Christy Dreiling
Regional Grassroots Advocacy Director

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