Rhode Island Tobacco 21 Lobby Day



Did you know that about 95% of daily smokers begin this deadly addiction by age 21? That's why the tobacco industry targets young people. Big Tobacco spends $9.1 billion per year - that's $1 million every hour - to market its deadly products, and much of it aimed at young people.

It's time to stand up to the tobacco industry! Use your voice to protect yourself, your family, friends and future generations from Big Tobacco!

Lawmakers at the Rhode Island State House will be considering legislation this year that would raise the minimum legal sale age (MLSA) for tobacco products to 21. Please join us to meet with your state lawmakers and voice your support for the Tobacco 21 policy.

Friends are welcome to join you! Please have any guests visit this event page and RSVP with us.

April 26, 2017 at 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Rhode Island State House
82 Smith St
Providence, RI 02903
United States
Google map and directions
Megan Tucker · · 401-228-2331
Maria Galarza Elizabeth Holden

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