Would you like to get more involved in the fight against Big Tobacco in your community? Join us November 28th for a training workshop that will inspire local tobacco policy change!
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Have you been thinking about taking your advocacy to the next level? We have an upcoming opportunity that will provide the information you need to engage in local efforts aimed at protecting kids from tobacco and emerging products. On November 28th, the American Heart Association will co-host a training workshop entitled, "Community Conversations to Inspire Tobacco Policy Change." The event will be held at the Warwick Public Library from 1:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
The learning objectives for the session are:
-Understand the steps needed to adopt new tobacco policies in your community
-Learn about emerging tobacco products and proven strategies to combat industry tactics
-Connect with community advocates, public health professionals, and key decision makers
-Hear about how local communities have passed tobacco prevention policies
See the event flyer for details. Questions? Please contact Megan Tucker, Senior Director - Government Relations, at [email protected] or (401) 228-2331.
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