Rewinding time...NYC's Smoke Free Air Act


It's hard to imagine now.  But picture New York City 11 years a bar, restaurant or really any workplace...and cigarette smoke would have to be part of your vision.  It would not be unusual for New Yorkers to be smoking at their seats while dining out, lighting up during a Broadway play, or even feeding their addiction while at their office desk.  What a difference a decade makes!  Today, less than 15% of New Yorkers smoke, down from 21.5% in 2002 before the Smoke Free Air Act was passed.  The impact was even more dramatic on our city's youth, going from nearly 18% to just about 9% today.  These numbers equal lives saved.  The American Heart Association's mission in New York City has been advanced exponentially due to the leadership of our courageous government partners.  With the Mayor's recent announcement to further target the ploys o f the tobacco industry, we look forward to many more successes in the decade ahead.  In the meantime...Happy 10th Anniversary to the New York City Smoke Free Air Act!

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