Resolutions for a healthier heart!

A new year means a fresh start and a great time to make positive changes to your health. It might seem cliché, but a new year resolution can help you start to develop habits that can put you on a good path, no matter where you are in your health journey. A resolution doesn’t have to be anything big, just a commitment to changes you think will be good for you. According to Inc. magazine, many of the top resolutions in 2019 are focused around wellness, which can also help heart health. So, we know we want to eat better, move more, quit tobacco, etc…. but how do we make it work? Here are some ideas:

  • Quit tobacco/e-cigarettes
    • Tobacco and e-cigarette use of all kinds puts you at higher risk for heart disease and stroke, but it’s so addictive, it can be hard to stop. That’s why you need to have a clear plan in mind about how you are going to quit, where to get the support you need, and what to do when those cravings come knocking. Check out this helpful guide to learn what tools you can use to quit for good. E-cigarette users- text “HEART” to 88709 to get free tips, advice and inspiration. You can quit tobacco!

  • Eating Healthy
  • Fitness
    • I’ll let you in on a little secret about fitness- it’s just moving your body more! It doesn’t require some huge program, you don’t need to be in top shape, and you don’t need to spend a bunch of money on equipment or gym memberships. Simply find an exercise you like and get moving! Many have some type of modifications that can someone of any size, shape, or physical ability can get started with. We recommend talking with your doctor before you start a new fitness program, but another good place to start is this handy guide to fitness that can get you on the right path to getting active! You can even recruit someone you care about and check “more time with loved ones” off that resolutions list too!

Resolutions aren’t always easy and eventually it has to move from a resolution to a way of life, which can be tricky. But, if you enter this new chapter of your life with a clear plan for action and for support, you can start with even small steps that can make big changes to your life.

2020 is your year for greatness!!
