Reminder: Open Enrollment for 2022 Benefits is Underway

Open enrollment is a window of time each year when individuals and families who do not have employer sponsored coverage can enroll in, or make changes to their health insurance coverage. is open for you to shop, compare, and enroll in a 2022 health plan.

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thumbnail_alt_text===Mom and dad with baby

Outside of the annual open enrollment period, individuals cannot make changes to their health insurance elections during the year unless they qualify for special enrollment periods (SEPs) due to a qualifying life event such as marriage, graduation, or changes in employment status. Open enrollment, or OE, typically runs from the late fall until mid-December, though it can vary by state.

Having access to affordable health care increases positive medical outcomes, especially for Americans with or at risk for heart disease and stroke. If you’re uninsured, make sure you find a plan. Enroll and get covered today.  Visit to get started.

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