RelentlessTogether Chat #2 Recap

mother and daughter

Chat #2: Improving Americans' Eating Habits Discussion Recap

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As you may know, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the American Heart Association's entry into the federal advocacy world and we want to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished. As part of that celebration, we’re hosting a four-part RelentlessTogether Advocacy Chat Series aimed to empower advocates to continue being a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives for another 40 years to come. 

On August 17th, our Grassroots Team hosted the second chat, titled “Improving Americans’ Eating Habits," focused on our nutrition policy work at the federal level. We spoke about why we engage in nutrition policy, went over our key areas and issues of focus for 2021 and rounded it out with a discussion with our Senior Government Relations Advisor, Kristy Anderson, who gave us the inside scoop from Capitol Hill and a way to help make our voices heard. View slides here. 

One way you can help right now is by urging Congress to support strong nutrition standards in schools. Click here to email your Members of Congress! 

As a reminder, our next RelentlessTogether chat, titled “Achieving the Tobacco Endgame," will take place Tuesday, August 24th at 1:30 PM Eastern. We will speak about the work we're doing to curb the tobacco epidemic and to empower youth to be the voice for change. We'll have another special guest to give you the latest information from Capitol Hill and highlight how important the role you play as advocates truly is. Please join us! We look forward to seeing you then!

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