Thanks to all the political commercials we know that the election is less than three weeks away, but you only have 2 days to register to vote!
On November 6, you will vote for the next President, as well as State and local offices, but only if you are registered. In Massachusetts you need to be registered to vote by Wednesday October 17th in order to be able to Vote on November 6th. Please take time today to make sure you are registered. Learn more by clicking here:
With election time upon us, it is more important than ever to get out and vote. Many people think that their vote does not matter. There have been many elections – not just on a local level – that have been decided by less than 100 votes. So thinking that your vote does not count could not be farther from the truth. Maybe you feel that when it comes down to it, all the candidates are the same, so why bother voting. Even if this is how you truly feel, remember that the winning candidate will have an enormous impact on future. Change starts at a grass roots level whether you live on a farm or in the inner city, and all change starts by electing people to implement change, whether it is a mayor or a president. Remember, too, when you are unhappy with the condition of your town's roads or your state's tax rate, being involved, voting for and knowing your elected officials will enable you to voice your complaints to the appropriate representatives. You voted for them and they work for you. Take time today to make sure you are registered to vote so your voice can be heard on and after November 6th!
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