Red River Valley Heart Walk Raises Awareness



Fighting heart disease and stroke takes volunteers, money, passion and commitment, among other things.  The 11th Annual Red River Valley Heart Walk embodies all of those elements - and it's a great opportunity for YOU to get involved with the American Heart Association.  There is still time to sign up for the Heart Walk which takes place on Saturday, May 3rd at Scheel's Arena beginning at 9 a.m.  

Roxy Burnside knows first hand how being involved with the AHA saves lives.  When the medical team told 62-year-old Roxanne (Roxy) Burnside she'd had a heart attack, she couldn't believe it. That evening she was having a wonderful time walking in the Fargo Holiday Lights Parade. Dressed as an elf, and handing out candy with co-workers. Suddenly she got dizzy and collapsed in cardiac arrest. Bystanders who happened to be nurses responded immediately, started CPR while a police officer ran for an AED to jumpstart her heart before the ambulance arrived. The Sanford Heart Center team was able to quickly open the two blocked coronary arteries with stents. Two days later, Roxanne was home.

“A heart attack was the last thing on my mind but it shouldn’t have been,” Roxanne says. “My dad had his first one at 48 and my son had one at 38. Looking back, I had experienced unusual tiredness and shortness of breath with activity, but never any chest pain.”

“I’m so grateful for the help I received. So glad to be alive, thanks to CPR.”

The American Heart Association funded research to develop CPR over 60 years ago and continues to fund lifesaving research Today over 50,000 health professionals and community members are trained in CPR each year in North Dakota. CPR performed before EMS arrives can double or triple the changes of survival.

That’s why the American Heart Association and advocates like, Roxy worked to pass legislation in Minnesota to require CPR training in high school and in North Dakota, funding for CPR/AED’s training in public and private high schools.

For more information or to sign up for the Red River Valley Heart Walk, CLICK HERE.  

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