Quality Stroke Care in Action!

Lawmakers and American Stroke Association volunteers get firsthand look at quality stroke care.

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Seeing something happen is often much more impactful than hearing about it, so on May 21, the American Stroke Association brought stroke care to the State House! "You're the Cure" advocates from across the state visited the State House to educate our lawmakers about stroke and advocate for legislation to improve the stroke system of care in New Jersey and actually show them what quality care looks like.

About 25 "You're the Cure" advocates attended a press conference with representatives from the American Heart Association| American Stroke Association, Capital Health System and Assemblyman Benson and Senator Vitale who are sponsors of the bill to improve stroke care. All spoke to the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of stroke and being treated quickly.

Bensen with AHA Volunteers Christine and Bill
Crowd. Stroke Simulation.
Gina at the Podium. Vitale at the Podium.
Joan Helfman at the Podium. Stroke Symposium

After the press conference, attendees participated in a stroke simulation. Two American Heart Association volunteers acted out what happens from the onset of symptoms to calling 911. At that point, an EMS team from Capital Health System were onsite to walk us through what they do when they arrive at the scene of a suspected stroke. When the "patient" was ready to be moved to the mobile stroke unit, attendees were invited outside to tour the unit and ask the EMS personnel questions.

Between all of this, American Heart Association, American Stroke Association volunteers also set up a table to give out educational materials about stroke. Capital Health System health professionals were on hand to provide blood pressure screenings and all volunteers were able to discuss the legislation with lawmakers who stopped by.

We thank all the You're the Cure advocates for coming to the on May 21 to educate our decision makers in Trenton about stroke and also further educating themselves about what happens when you witness someone having a stroke.


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