Protecting NJ's Littlest Athletes


In New Jersey, there has been great progress in recent years to make sure that automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are widely available in public places and that people know how to use the devices and perform CPR. Janet's Law, which went into effect this past September, requires all schools to have an AED available at any time the school is open and that someone on the premises is trained.

On February 12, the Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee voted in support of a bill that would require recreation departments, youth serving organizations and camps to have defibrillators on site and accessible during athletic events and to have someone on-site that is trained in CPR and AED use.

The bill is now pending a hearing in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, but has picked up a number of new co-sponsors. In addition to the prime sponsor, Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, Assemblymen Andrzejczak, Garcia, DeAngelo, Taliaferro, Lagana and Assemblywomen Pinkin and Quijano have all signed onto the legislation as co-sponsors. The American Heart Association thanks them for their commitment to this potentially life-saving legislation.

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