Protect our Youth from Flavored Tobacco

Last week, the Edina City Council took a strong step toward keeping our kids from starting tobacco use when they passed an ordinance eliminating the sale of all flavored tobacco, including mint and menthol! Join us in congratulating Edina and our You’re the Cure team that worked to make this a reality!

hero_image_alt_text===Vape pens and devices.
thumbnail_alt_text===Vape pens and devices.

Now it’s time for the rest of Minnesota to join Edina! As advocates you are the voice of change and we can’t do this without you!

Pledge to help us protect our youth from flavored tobacco.

Data from the 2019 MN Student Survey serves as a warning bell. After years of progress reducing youth smoking rates, e-cigarettes are threatening to addict a new generation of tobacco users. Today one in four 11th-graders regularly uses e-cigarettes, and the rate of 8th-grade vaping has nearly doubled since 2016.

As incredible as these increases are, they're not surprising considering the tobacco industry spends millions marketing tobacco products in kid-friendly flavors, including mint and menthol, that lure kids into lifelong nicotine addiction. Big Tobacco has used this strategy before. Menthol cigarettes and fruit-and candy-flavored smokeless tobacco and little cigars all are designed to attract and addict youth and are still on the market today.

Our work to protect our kids is more important than ever. We continue to work with municipalities across the state to save our youth from dangerous tobacco addiction. We need your help to be successful.  If you want to help your community and the entire state of Minnesota eliminate the sale of flavored tobacco, sign our petition now!

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