Power to End Stroke Leadership Brunch features Tulsa elected officials


On March 22nd, the American Heart Association held the sixth annual Power to End Stroke Leadership Brunch in downtown Tulsa. The purpose of this event is to entice attendees to make positive changes in their lifestyle that will reduce the likelihood of high reduced blood pressure and having a stroke.

 The event kicked off with a proclamation from Tulsa Mayor, Dewey Bartlett declaring the day as “Power to End Stroke Day” in Tulsa.  Mayor Bartlett spoke about the connection between learning the signs of stroke and his own experience learning CPR and using it to try and save a life. He also recognized the leadership of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association in educating the community on the prevalence of stroke.

 Additionally, Senator Emeritus Judy Eason McIntyre presented a citation on behalf of the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus, to American Heart Association also declaring the day as Power to End Stroke Day in Tulsa. Senator Emeritus McIntyre issued a call to action to attendees; by encouraging each of them to take a proactive approach to managing their health and finding the power to end stroke.

Stroke is the No. 4 cause of death for all Americans, and it has an even higher prevalence among African Americans. African Americans have almost twice the risk of first-ever stroke compared to whites, and blacks 35 to 54 years of age have four times the risk for stroke. In Oklahoma, stroke claims the lives of 800 African Americans each year.

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