Please Join Us at the Capitol February 13

Please join us at the Utah State Capitol on February 13th, 2024 for Heart on the Hill Lobby Day. This is a day to gather with other advocates for a day of learning and advocacy. We will begin with an issue and advocacy skills training and then go together to the legislative chambers to talk with lawmakers.

No previous advocacy experience is necessary. Just come ready to learn and excited to help make a difference in the health of our state!

hero_image_alt_text===A group of people standing inside the Capitol building on marble stairs
thumbnail_alt_text===A group of people standing inside the Capitol building on marble stairs

We plan to talk with our lawmakers about the importance of universal school meals for our children and families.

When: Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Where: Utah Capitol Building, Capitol Board Room 240
350 State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah

Register to join us at the Capitol and let your voice be heard!

We hope to see you in February!

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