Opening Day!


Opening Day!

Apparently, only the MLB believes that spring actually started in March this year. Mother Nature does not agree. I was awoken last night by the sounds of plows. Yup. Had to scrape the car again this morning
However, today is opening day. The Sox play any minute now. I firmly believe that spring will come and the Sox will win the World Series again.

I am also ever-hopeful that the legislature will look beyond politics and do the right thing when it comes to providing health coverage to all needy Mainers. All reputable, science-based and economic-based organizations support our position. Allowing hard-working, low-income Mainers to join Medicaid will save the state money, will save taxpayers money and, most importantly, will lead to better health.

So, I am optimistic. Spring will come. The Sox will win the World Series again this year and the Maine legislature will set aside partisan politics and do the right thing. Who is with me?!?

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