This past weekend Lawton, Oklahoma turned their city streets into a temporary public park with activities for the whole family to get people moving at an event called Open Streets. The American Heart Association was one of over 70 organizations that were involved and over 3,500 people were in attendance in downtown Lawton.
Everything from giant board games and food trucks to shopping and a farmer's market could be found. Attendees were invited to walk, bike, or skate while they met local business owners and celebrated being more physically active in one of Lawton’s unique and charming neighborhoods.
The American Heart Association was proud to join this event to talk about an important measure currently being considered by the Oklahoma Legislature that can have a heart-healthy impact on our youngest Oklahomans. Senate Bill 806 will add physical activity requirements, nutrition standards and screen time limitations for early child care centers throughout Oklahoma to ensure future generations of Oklahomans have a healthy start to life.
Over 100 residents of Lawton took action at Open Streets in support of Senate Bill 806. We invite you to take action, too! Let's give our youngest Oklahomans the best possible start with quality nutrition and physical activity so they can be heart-healthy superheroes!
Take action and email/tweet your lawmakers in just a few steps HERE! Show your support for creating heart-healthy superheroes in Oklahoma today!
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