Bill Moves To Senate

Last month, we talked about the importance of removing penalties on youth for purchase, use and possession (PUP) of tobacco.

We have good news to share! Thanks to your efforts, our bill to remove these penalties passed out of the House Alcohol, Tobacco and Controlled Substances Committee, then cleared the House floor. It will now move to the Senate.


You can watch our Oklahoma Government Relations Director Sarah Rivin discuss the importance of this issue with Andy Weber of KOCO 5. 

You might remember, PUP laws were passed in the mid-90s as an attempt to reduce the number of underage people purchasing and using tobacco products. But they aren’t effective and often result in unintended consequences.

Removing these penalties on youth shift the focus to those who sell to underage youth, instead of youth who are targeted by tobacco companies.

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more chances to let your voice be heard. 


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