Oklahoma Releases 2014 State of the State Health Report


The 2014 State of the State’s Health Report is an in-depth look at the health status of resident in Oklahoma based off various health measures.

Two critical measures of the health of Oklahoma – infant mortality and smoking rates – have shown signs of decrease, as a result, of the state’s investment in evidence-based practices and approaches implemented by community coalitions and statewide organizations. Enactment of required Pulse Oximetry screenings is an example of such a practice that is already saving lives in Oklahoma

The state ranks 44th in overall health status of its residents compared to other states in the nation. Oklahoma still has a high prevalence of death due to heart disease and stroke. Oklahoma has the third highest rate of death due to heart disease and fourth highest rate of death due to stroke in the nation.  Causes are attributed to unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors such as low physical activity and lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, along with a high prevalence of smoking and obesity.

For more information, please visit the Oklahoma Health Department’s website: http://www.ok.gov/health/pub/boh/state/

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