AHA Works to Neutralize PUP Bill

We’re halfway there! Legislative session in Oklahoma is officially at the halfway mark with just fewer than 1,000 bills left to make it through the legislative process.


The next deadline for legislation to be heard and passed from the opposite chamber is April 27. However, we still have some work to do. We’ve been advocating against legislation that would wrongfully place punishment on underage youth caught purchasing, using or possessing (PUP) tobacco products.

One of the bills seeking to implement these penalties will not receive a floor hearing, but there is still one bill active. We will continue to work toward stopping this legislation from progressing.

Additionally, we’ve paired with the Oklahoma 911 Management Authority to push toward a better equipped and prepared state by requiring all 911 call takers in the state to be trained in telecommunicator CPR. House Bill 1590 is ready and waiting to make it through the Senate and is one step closer to the finish line, which will make Oklahoma a safer state.

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