Ohio Near the Top in Tobacco Use


Each year, Ohioans lose 17,700 family members, friends, and neighbors to smoking and we spend $5.6 billion dollars on health care bills treating smoking-related diseases. Our communities and businesses in Ohio are paying a high price. But, this doesn’t have to be the case.

With your support, we can save lives and money by taking three proven steps:

  • Restoring funding to Ohio’s once award winning prevention and cessation programs, shown to prevent kids from smoking and helping adults quit;
  • Reducing tobacco use by increasing the cigarette tax, which is particularly effective among our  price-sensitive youth; and
  • Equalizing the tax on “other tobacco products” that prevents kids from turning to cheaper alternatives, like Snus and little cigars.

Check out the new ad coming soon to your community, then click here to send an electronic copy of the ad to your lawmakers encouraging them to make tobacco prevention a priority in Ohio. (Or clip the ad when you see it in print and mail it to them.)

Send your legislators a message today urging their support for proven measures that reduce the toll of tobacco in Ohio!

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