Oakview Library Family Resource Fair

On April 4, the Oakview Library in Sioux Falls hosted a Family Resource Fair. The American Heart Association had an information table with resources on heart-healthy nutrition and I demonstrated hands-only CPR.


The event was well attended by parents and many children from nearby Anne Sullivan Elementary School. The children were very interested in all the booths at the fair but especially in the American Heart Association booth. More than 30 children and adults watched the demonstration of hands-only CPR on adults and infants. The children were super excited to learn, and many of them came back to the booth multiple times to practice and show their friends what they learned. It was so rewarding to teach them about the importance of being ready in an emergency, especially since many of them told me that they have younger siblings at home. In addition to learning such a valuable skill, the children were happy to wear their “Nation of Lifesavers” stickers that they received after their CPR practice.

Being able to demonstrate the importance of cardiac readiness at the library was important because 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency. The more exposure people have to CPR and the opportunity to practice it, the more comfortable they will be to act when it is most needed. Many of the children came from diverse backgrounds, which was particularly important since the lack of CPR training and resources is a health equity issue. For example, women are less likely to receive CPR from a bystander than a man, men are 23% more likely to survive cardiac arrest than women, and Black and Hispanic adults are substantially less likely to receive bystander CPR. I feel lucky to have been able to be part of the change in bringing more equity to healthcare. It was fun to make a difference in the children’s lives and teach them a skill that could save someone’s life.

Join our efforts to adopt policies that will build a Nation of Lifesavers here: https://act.yourethecure.org/EuuvjLC.


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