November is Eat Smart Month. Does your community have access to healthy food?

Millions of New Yorkers still struggle to put healthy food on their tables.

hero_image_alt_text===Image of various vegetables with the American Heart Association Logo.

November is Eat Smart Month and the American Heart Association is encouraging Americans to eat healthy. Unfortunately, here in New York City, not everyone can find the nutritious foods they need to be healthy.

Many underserved NYC neighborhoods lack supermarkets where they can afford the fresh fruits and vegetables that are a necessary part of a healthy diet. This means they need to either travel much farther to purchase affordable healthy food or rely on nearby corner and convenience stores that often are more expensive and have poorer selection and quality of food.

The American Heart Association wants every New Yorker to have access to healthy food, no matter where they live and what their income – and we need your help. We’re advocating for increased public funding for initiatives that would:

  • Expand the NYC Health Bucks program, which provides vouchers that are redeemable for fruits and vegetables,
  • Increase the number of healthy food retail outlets in underserved communities, and
  • Increase the amount of healthy food being offered in existing corner stores.

Every family should have access to foods that support a balanced diet and a healthier life.

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