New Year, New Advocates


It’s the New Year, which means time for setting goals and making resolutions. At You’re the Cure, we have our own resolution for 2014. We want to grow the base of advocates fighting for heart and stroke policy change. But we can’t do it alone, we need your help. There are two things you can do to help us grow. First, if you are already an advocate and receive our messages – THANK YOU! However, to make sure you get customized content on our site and accrue points for your actions, take the extra step and establish a log-in and password. How do you do that? It’s simple. On the homepage use the sign in feature in the top right corner of your screen and follow the steps.

Second, be sure to ask family and friends to be a part of our community of advocates fighting for a cure. Having trouble putting your work as an advocate into words? Then share our most recent video highlighting accomplishments from the 2013 state legislative sessions. We think your actions will help inspire others to join.

So join us in 2014 and help us add more advocates to the You’re the Cure community. Thank you for all that you do!


(Please visit the site to view this video)

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