Guest Blogger: Sarah Higginbotham, Oregon Government Relations Director
Todays’ kids are less active than any previous generation—a dangerous trend since an inactive childhood is likely to lead to an unhealthy future filled with life-threatening chronic disease. Beaverton School District is dedicated to getting students moving more throughout the day, and along with the American Heart Association, will be working to support active students who are not only healthier but more focused and ready to learn.
This year, through the school district’s own investment as well as a grant-funded partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Heart Association, the Beaverton School District will be piloting some innovative efforts to increase physical education and activity throughout the school day.
A pilot project aimed at increasing physical activity at five participating schools is just one component of a plan originally put into action thanks to the leadership of the Beaverton School District’s Active Schools Task Force. The pilot program will train teachers to implement innovative strategies such as Brain Boosts to get kids more physically active throughout the school day.
Beaverton’s commitment to student health aligns with the mission of the American Heart Association, prompting the recent partnership. The American Heart Association will be working to support not only the district’s pilot project, but to enhance the district’s goals of increasing physical activity across the K-8 schools through its new initiative, “Oregon Kids Move with Heart.”
Check out photos from the kick-off of Oregon Kids Move with Heart.
Nationally known experts Scott Williams and Alex O’Brien will be working with Beaverton teachers during the upcoming in-service week before school starts.
Scott Williams is the 2013 AHPERD Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year, and the 2015 Virginia AHPERD K-12 Dance Educator of the Year.
Alex O’Brien, a trainer and Director of Film and Social Media with Focused Fitness. As a physical education teacher, he was instrumental in incorporating technology, social media and video into PE district wide.
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