Nevada is a National Leader on Food Issues in Schools


Fantastic news from our advocacy team in Nevada!

I am happy to announce that our Advocacy team scored a huge win when the State of Nevada became the first state in the country to establish policy around “Competitive Foods in Schools” and “Junk Food Marketing in Schools.” Ben Schmauss, our Nevada government relations director, worked directly with the Department of Agriculture on the School Wellness Policy taskforce, to revise the state’s School Wellness Policy.

Teaching our kids good eating habits is an important part of helping them grow up healthy, and passage of this policy will ensure schools in Nevada provide kids an environment for healthy eating. Our goal for “Competitive Foods in Schools” is to increase the number of states that have policies for schools to serve foods that have whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables or protein foods as their main ingredients.

Passage of this policy in Nevada will encourage food and beverage companies to advertise only their healthiest products to young people — assuring that unhealthy foods or beverages are not advertised on school grounds.

Congratulations to Ben and our grassroots team members who helped support and pass these important policy victories!

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