National Park(ing) Day

On September 16th, 2022, the American Heart Association joined our partners at Idaho Walk Bike Alliance, Idaho Smart Growth, AARP, and others to celebrate National Park(ing) Day. National Park(ing) Day is a project aimed at taking over parking spots and other facilities made for cars, and turning them into public “parks” and places for activity and community gathering. We know public spaces, like parks, help provide opportunities to bring people together, encourage physical activity, and support stronger communities. This effort encourages individuals to think about how we are building our neighborhoods for people from all walks of life and what it means when we create spaces accessible to everyone.

With a live band, games to play, creative activities, and a place to have conversation with new friends and neighbors, we were able to highlight how walking or biking in your neighborhood can help increase physical activity and reduce anxiety, improving overall health.

The event even got a little coverage on the local news. Click here to watch the story.

We had a great day and enjoyed our time outside getting active. We encourage everyone to get out to your local parks to play and get active, and advocate for communities built for people, not cars. If you’re interested in learning more, let us know! Reach out to me at [email protected] and we can help you learn more about creating friendlier, walkable, livable communities!

hero_image_alt_text===Two adults standing at a table and a young child playing with an outdoor game in a small temporary park
thumbnail_alt_text===Two adults standing at a table and a young child playing with an outdoor game in a small temporary park
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