Help Us Fight the E-Cigarette Epidemic

Did you know that 80% of tobacco users started with a flavored tobacco product? Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are incredibly addictive and despite the work Montana has done to address the issue there is still more that can be done.

After decades of seeing the smoking rate drop, we are now seeing the use of e-cigarettes skyrocket especially among young people. Recent surveying revealed 30.2% of Montana high schoolers are using e-cigarettes. The American Heart Association is concerned and we are not alone. In late 2018 the US Surgeon General declared it an epidemic.

The Montana state legislature doesn’t meet in 2020 but we know that when lawmakers return in 2021, we will need to address this issue. In the meantime, we will be closely following what is happening with our youth and the research that is coming out.

Will you pledge now to join us as we work to address this epidemic and protect our youth?

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