Montana October is Sudden Cardiac Awareness Month - Is Your Family Prepared for an Emergency?


Written by: Amanda (Andrews) Cahill, Montana Government Relations Director

Imagine this scenario: you’re at home with your spouse when suddenly he falls to the ground. Would you know what to do, what to look for, how to help him?  Of course, you’d call 911, but there is something else that is crucial to his survival: CPR.   Every single second that he lies on the floor without intervention his heart muscle is dying.  An estimated 70% of Americans do not know CPR and could not save their spouse, parent, child, or friend, could you?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the U.S., many victims appear healthy with no known heart disease or other risk factors.  4 out of 5 cardiac arrests happen at home, if called on to administer CPR in an emergency, the life you save is likely to be someone at home: a child, a spouse, a parent or a friend.

Let’s Do Something About It!

We live in a place where the closest ambulance may be 30 minutes or more away.  When ordinary people, not just doctors and paramedics, know CPR, a victim’s survival rate can double, or even triple. Schools across the country are adding thousands of lifesavers to our communities by training their students, faculty and staff in CPR. In fact, laws in 14 states require CPR training for high school graduation.  Why shouldn’t Montana be a state where thousands of young adults become potential life savers every year?

Let’s talk to our teachers, school boards, school districts, and legislators and let them know we need CPR to be taught in schools.  A simple 20 minute training is proven to teach a young person the skills they need to successfully administer CPR.  We need to start having this conversation and to start teaching our young Montanans CPR- your life might just depend on it. 

If you are interested in seeing how you can help our efforts, please contact Amanda Andrews at [email protected]  or contact Grassroots Director Grace Henscheid.

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