Mission: Lifeline Stroke Underway in Nebraska!

Mission: Lifeline Stroke -Nebraska is now underway.  This $6.5 million project is made possible through a grant to the American Heart Association by the Helmsley Charitable Trust Foundation.  Mission: Lifeline Stroke is a program for transforming stroke care by focusing efforts on connecting all the components of acute stroke care into a smoothly integrated system that reinforces use of evidence-based guidelines, measures performance, identifies gaps and engages in improvement projects at the system level. 


The stroke system of care begins with community recognition and preparedness to identify stroke and continues all the way through hospital discharge, into rehabilitation and the initiation of secondary prevention.  It brings together hospitals, ambulance services, non-transport medical first response agencies, emergency communication centers, emergency medical service regulatory and medical direction agencies, local government, local media, and payers to forge a proactive system of care that saves and improves lives.

Mission: Lifeline Stroke-Nebraska builds upon the passage of the Stroke System of Care Act from 2016 (and updated in 2018) which designates hospitals based on the Joint Commission certification of stroke care.  We will continue to identify gaps where policy measures may be necessary to enhance stroke care. 

For more information email [email protected]

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