Mission: Lifeline Improving Heart Attack Response Time


Heart attack care in South Dakota is changing - and improving outcomes for patients.  Three years ago, the Helmsley Charitable Trust provided grant funding to equip all ambulances in South Dakota with 12-lead ECG monitors in an effort to diagnose a STEMI heart attack during ambulance transport, rather than waiting until they reach a hospital.  While this allows for improved response times from event to intervention, it also is saving lives across South Dakota. In November, Gerald Heismeyer recognized he was having heart attack systems and took action.  South Dakota's system of heart care took it from there.  For more on the success of Mission: Lifeline in South Dakota, check out the following stories from local ABC Affiliate KSFY: Avera Medical Minute: Improving Heart Attack Response Time and Avera Medical Minute: Perfecting STEMI Heart Attack Care.

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