Miriam R. Plitt, Rhode Island


We are very excited to share that Rhode Island Advocacy Committee member Miriam Plitt was recently inducted into the Pawtucket Hall of Fame in recognition of her volunteer work with the American Heart Association and many other important organizations. Congratulations Miriam and thank you for all that you do!!!   

Miriam is a former Board chair for the American Heart Association and she has been honored with the organization’s Heart of the Mission Award.  In addition to her volunteer work with the American Heart Association, Miriam was present from the inception of the Arts Council of Pawtucket - the first organization of its kind in the state - and was a chief moving force as executive director.  She serves on the Board of Directors for the Elizabeth Johnson Pawtucket History Research Center, preserving Ms. Johnson's unique collection detailing Pawtucket's past. She has also served in important roles for the Rhode Island Ethics Commission, the Pawtucket Ethics Commission, Pawtucket Charter Review Commission, and the Rhode Island League of Voters, and as a commissioner for the Pawtucket Riverfront Commission.  Miriam also successfully spearheaded the effort to create Pawtucket's newly established Advisory Commission on Arts & Culture.

We asked Miriam why being a You’re the Cure advocate is so important to her…here’s what she said:

Advocacy is a key component of the American Heart Association and it all starts at the grassroots level with You and Me.  Heart disease and stroke have affected friends and family members over the years….when one of my grandsons was born with a heart condition, my focus became youth and children.

As an advocacy ambassador for the AHA, I turned to my local community and joined the Pawtucket School District Wellness Committee so I could work on policies related to healthy eating, nutrition, physical education and tobacco control.

When I look at my grandson and his future, it’s about advocating for policy change, education and prevention that will help him lead a healthy life.  It’s about legislation that will create a healthier environment for him and all children.  It’s about raising funds for research so that new medical advances can help my grandson and others.

My passion is to continue advocating and working toward reducing heart disease and stroke, creating healthy communities, and seeing my grandson and other children have the opportunity to lead productive, enjoyable and fulfilling lives. 



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