Minnesota Launching Effort to Improve Stroke Care


St. Paul, Minn- Today is World Stroke Day, and stroke continues to be one of the leading killers in Minnesota and across the nation. However, a new effort set to start up in Minnesota in the New Year should mean better care and outcomes there.

According to Dr. Albert Tsai, director of the Minnesota Stroke Registry Program at the state Department of Health, the goal of the Minnesota Acute Stroke System is to make sure victims have access to the best treatment available no matter where they are in the state.

"The idea behind the system is that first we are going to be recognizing and designating hospitals who have the capacities and the capabilities that define a hospital that is ready to take care of stroke," he said. There are already hospitals in Duluth, Rochester, St. Cloud and the Twin Cities that are certified as primary stroke centers, but Tsai noted that still leaves many people without immediate access to that level of care.

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