Military Expresses Concern Over Possible Reductions to PE Requirement

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017, a group of retired military generals from the Mission Readiness organization, physicians and public health advocates including the American Heart Association gathered for a press event in Springfield to urge lawmakers to keep physical education (PE) in Illinois schools.

hero_image_alt_text===The AHA speaking to Legislators
thumbnail_alt_text===The AHA speaking to Legislators

American Heart Association strongly opposes all state legislative proposals that would cut or eliminate Illinois’ daily physical education requirements. Cutting PE requirements, as proposed in legislation like Senate Bill 13, would not only threaten the overall health of students across the state, it could hurt our military readiness. The Mission Readiness organization released a report titled Illinois: Unfit to Fight, which explains the importance of PE in schools. The State Journal-Register along with many other media outlets covered the event.

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