Meet Philip Thomas

Prior to April 2016, Philip lived a sedentary lifestyle. With an alarming spike in his A1C, he found himself pre-diabetic and motivated by the word insulin. 

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hero_image_alt_text===Philip's picture
thumbnail_alt_text===Philip's picture

It was then that Philip set his mind to healthy lifestyle changes in eating and exercise. He decided to join his company’s fitness center and participate in their wellness challenge. With severe arthritis in both knees, Philip started with low-impact aerobic exercise and minimal weights, but gradually worked his way to harder and longer workouts, and now the pain in his knees has diminished.

By reducing his sodium intake and increasing exercise, Philip’s blood pressure has de-creased from 150/95 to about 100/60, also decreasing his medication. Philip’s dedication, along with the encouragement of his wife, doctor, and co-workers has helped him completely improve his lifestyle today.

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