It would be an understatement to say that the past ten months of my life has been an interesting journey. On July 8th 2016, I suffered a pretty significant stroke.
hero_image_alt_text===Brian Gardner photo
thumbnail_alt_text===Brian Gardner photo
At the time, I had committed myself to getting in shape and had just started CrossFit and was making progress and getting stronger. Luckily, the coach who was working with us that day was aware of the F.A.S.T. protocol and was quick to call 9-1-1 and get me to the hospital. It was discovered that my carotid artery had dissected and I also underwent a craniotomy to relieve the swelling on my brain. During the initial stages of my recovery my doctors and therapists attributed my survival to my age and health.
During this journey, I have been blessed by so many people who have stepped in to show support for me and my family by providing meals and sending cards and text messages of support. However, I am the most grateful for my wife, kids, parents, and mother-in-law who have been my rock and support. They have also been there to push me through the tough times and challenge me to work to work hard in therapy.
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