Hello! It is truly an honor to serve in the role of Director of Grassroots Advocacy for the American Heart Association.
thumbnail_alt_text===Image of Amy and her family
For the past 10 years, I’ve been a member of the national grassroots team here, working alongside our dedicated staff and passionate advocates to help make our communities healthier. Prior to working with the American Heart Association, I worked in a similar role for another national health organization and in state government.
I’ve seen firsthand the power of citizens and elected officials working together to build a brighter, healthier future. As I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know many of you, you have inspired me with your stories and your passion for making a difference. We’ve already accomplished so much together, and I know we have more success on the horizon.
As a mother, I’m counting on it. I may spend my evenings running between sports practices, dance rehearsals and science fairs, but those precious everyday moments are precisely why I’m committed to our mission. I want to be sure other families can celebrate together the goal scored, the home run hit, the beaming dancer on stage, and the blue-ribbon project. We cannot continue to lose our loved ones to heart disease and stroke.
During my time with the AHA, I’ve traveled to every part of the country. While the regional culture may change from place to place, one thing remains the same. Heart disease and stroke have impacted every community I’ve visited. We still have a lot of work to do, but together, we can do big things!
I’m excited to help lead You’re the Cure into the future, but I can’t do it without you! Have big, bold ideas or little ways we can make You’re the Cure better together? Comment below or drop me a note.
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